Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Paddling - Popping Up Basic SurfingTechniques

Paddling and Popping up are the Basic Surfing Techniques - You Must Know

To master the surfing technique, you must first master the swimming technique because it is impossible for you to enter the beach without being able to swim. Apart from only wasting time and energy, the inability to swim will also jeopardize your safety in water. If you are already adept at swimming, then it's time you learn surfing techniques. Well, actually there are only 2 techniques that you need to master and both of these techniques are classified as basic techniques.

  • Paddling Surf Board

As discussed earlier, to be able to surf we must first swim to the middle of the beach. The problem is, we also have to bring surf boards with us. How do you swim while carrying a surf board? Well, this is where the paddling technique is used. If translated literally, paddling means pedaling. The way to do this technique is by lying face down on a surf board while pedaling using both hands. The goal is to get you to the middle of the beach without having to spend too much energy. Noteworthy here is the body position on the surf board. Make sure you lie in the right position until your nose is directly above the surface of the water, not too far or not too far forward. In addition, bend your body slightly upward so that the position of the hands is more free when pedaling. In the meantime, your feet should be closed so they don't slow down. Put both feet on the surf board. Finally, close your fingers so that the energy expended is not too much to get maximum pedaling. For most beginners, paddling may be very tiring because there are a lot of muscles working while doing this technique. But as time and hours fly over the surf boards, you will get used to this movement. In the end, you will only realize how important this technique is to get you to the middle of the beach.

  • Popping Up

This technique is done after you reach a sufficient distance in the middle of the beach to get a pretty big wave. Stop your paddle and use the popping up technique to get on the surf board. Basically, this popping up technique is a push-up movement that is very fast to rise from the prone position when paddling. When you feel a big wave coming, immediately place your palms on the surf board parallel to your chest. Push your body up using both hands until you lift up part of it. Use one leg to give repulsion by stepping on a surf board. Let the other leg follow the upward movement so that you will be in a standing position after doing this technique. Remember, popping up must be done quickly, ideally under 3 seconds because you don't want to lose the momentum to catch the big waves that are passing. Therefore, it is highly recommended to do this technical exercise on land before putting it on a surfboard. With conditions and a stable footing it will be easier for you to master this movement. The next time you do it on a surf board at the beach with swaying waves, everything will be a little easier. To master this technique, do the exercises for several tens of times every day as hard as you can.

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